Alpe du Zwift – how realistic is it? (by an Alpe d’Huez local)

Cycling Ascents - Accommodation and Training Camps at the foot of Alpe d'HuezSo when Zwift announced that they were adding an Alpine climb, and it was based on Alpe d’Huez, I was probably the only Zwifter in the world who was a little disappointed!  However the last thing I want is to appear ungrateful for being able to live at the bottom of Alpe d’Huez and run a bed and breakfast for cyclists 🙂  Instead of thinking ‘why didn’t they do the Stelvio?’, I’ve now got the opportunity to ride up Alpe d’Huez outside when the weather is good and indoors when it’s not so great! Continue reading “Alpe du Zwift – how realistic is it? (by an Alpe d’Huez local)”

My continuing low carb experience – will ketosis make me a better cyclist?

Cycling Ascents - Accommodation and Training Camps at the foot of Alpe d'HuezIf you’ve not seen the previous blog posts I’ve written on my thoughts and experiences on a low carbohydrate diet, then this would be a good time to check them out!  I’m going to go into some depth in this post so if you’ve landed straight here you might be better to come back after reading these:

Exercise without Carbs

Cycling on a Low Carb Diet Update

Continue reading “My continuing low carb experience – will ketosis make me a better cyclist?”

Swimming and Running Coaching with Take3 Tri

Cycling Ascents - Accommodation and Training Camps at the foot of Alpe d'HuezOne of my & Delphine’s Christmas presents to ourselves this year was to book a swimming and running analysis session.  We were due to be in the UK the week prior to Christmas, and found Mark Harvey (Take3 Tri Performance Centre) online.  A quick read through the ‘About Us’ page on his website convinced us that as well as having a bunch of coaching qualifications, he clearly had practical knowledge, and was also possibly a bit of a nutter 🙂  I hadn’t even heard of a 5 x Ironman let alone met someone who was bonkers enough to do one!

Running analysis Cycling Ascents with Take3 Tri
Getting our running style checked out!

Continue reading “Swimming and Running Coaching with Take3 Tri”

Cycling on a Low Carb Diet / Ketosis Update (before Christmas ruins everything!)

Cycling Ascents - Accommodation and Training Camps at the foot of Alpe d'HuezA quick update as promised, but I’ll keep it brief as we’re pretty busy (as I’m sure you are) prior to the Christmas holidays!

I’ve now been on my LCHF (low carb high fat) diet for around 6 weeks now, and despite not being in ketosis all the time (the state where your body is purely running on fat), I think I’m getting the hang of it.

Continue reading “Cycling on a Low Carb Diet / Ketosis Update (before Christmas ruins everything!)”

Exercise without Carbs? Can Cyclists use a Ketogenic Diet?

Cycling Ascents - Accommodation and Training Camps at the foot of Alpe d'Huez

As I alluded to in my last post, I’ve come back to an interesting diet that I tried a few years back.  Before all who know me exclaim “why would you want to lose weight???”, the primary goal for this diet isn’t weight loss but to experiment with an alternative ‘fuel’ to carbs – historically I’ve often had stomach issues at one point during the sportives round here, which happen to take about 6 – 8 hours for me.  I’ve done a lot of them by now, and a common theme is that 5 – 6 hours in, my stomach rebels against all the sugary liquid, gels, and bars I’m stuffing down my neck.  By that point I’m usually reduced to just drinking water, which means that the last portion of my ride is a gamble between serious stomach discomfort vs bonking massively.

Fuel for La Marmotte
All of this is out for the time being!

Continue reading “Exercise without Carbs? Can Cyclists use a Ketogenic Diet?”

Transition to Winter Training – the (dreaded?) turbo

I fully plan to write some ‘retrospective’ entries (races I’ve done this year, training effectively, etc., etc.) however right now, looking out the window at the not particularly inviting weather, my mind turns to – “how am I going to keep fit this winter without getting painfully cold hands / feet or soaking wet through?”…..

Continue reading “Transition to Winter Training – the (dreaded?) turbo”

Turbo or Torture?

Cycling Ascents

Level of snow on our balcony
The amount of snow on our balcony...and it's still coming down hard

With about 25 cm of snow on the ground here in Bourg D’Oisans, my outdoor cycling options are pretty much nil (that is until I get a pair of studded tyres for my mountain bike!).  In the meantime, the basement beckons….. Continue reading “Turbo or Torture?”

Encountering Wildlife

Cycling AscentsI was out on a ride yesterday – just seeing how my legs were after a few recovery rides since my hard week last week (I’m glad to report they are back to normal!).  After a quick blast up the Col D’Ornon, I decided that would do for the day and came back down, but added on a little warm down detour that goes down some small local back roads.  They dont have any through traffic (but bike and walkers can get through o.k.) so they are usually very quiet. Continue reading “Encountering Wildlife”

Interval Training (with a difference)

Cycling AscentsI never would have thought when I first started doing intervals that one day the nearest uphill ‘slope’ to me for interval training would be Alpe D’Huez!  As it’s only a couple of minutes ride it is literally the closest place for me to go for hill intervals (that should probably be ‘mountain’ intervals!)  Continue reading “Interval Training (with a difference)”